Reflections and Moving Forward to 2023
When I walked into my first belly dance class in 2009, I would never have imagined what I’d be doing today. Around 4,800 days since and I’m still here…but whose counting? I’m a big fan of sharing information so I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learned about dance, life, and myself along the way.
Your First Few Years Will Suck
It’s true. When you first get started, as a soloist/teacher/studio owner, nothing will be easy. No one knows who you are and no one takes you seriously. You’ll be downplayed a lot by your peers. People will underestimate you. If you come into this business, or any really, expecting instant success you’ll be met with reality. It’s easier said than done but take all of these early years like a college education. You are learning and growing into the person you need to be. Things will get better and so will you.
Me in 2013. Photo by Mallory Shoemaker.
It’s Best To Not Say It
This is a hard one for me. When I see unjust behavior against friends I tend to speak up. However for the most part, in situations that do not involve you, it does nothing but stir the pot. Stand up for yourself, but be polite. And if you saying anything adds nothing, do just that.
Do Not Over Extend Yourself and Expect the Same Back
My love language is acts of service. Acts of service is doing things or tasks for others that lift the weight off of their shoulders. Like sweeping up the floor before the show or volunteering your time at the ticket booth. These are incredible things that you can do for others to get your name in their mind or simply give back to your favorite dancer or teacher. However this can be a dangerous path. Many times in my career I have done the most for others only to not receive even a thank you. Do these acts with the idea that you are not owed anything back. Never over encumber your load to make lives easier for others. If you have the ability, awesome! If not, it is not worth it. Keep your sanity.
Forgive But Don’t Forget
Often times in your career, you will have not so great interactions with other people. It happens no matter how nice or courteous you are. People can be wicked and will do awful things due to their own personal shortcomings. As my mother always said, “Forgive graciously, but never forget what happened.” Keep yourself safe and to those who have hurt you, keep them an arms length away. It can be difficult but usually people repeat their bad behaviors.
Be Willing to Listen and Learn
Sure, free advice is not always good advice (including this blog) but it is FREE. Take everything in as you can, especially when you’re just starting out. If someone confronts you with information you don’t particularly like, just take it in. People will, without any hesitation or tact, will give you feedback on everything about you. Your dancing, your look, your education, literally everything. Most of it will be utter garbage. Be willing to politely nod and move on. However, a small amount of it will be worth it. Don’t be afraid of those tough and uncomfortable conversations.
Don’t Expect a Linear (Or Sensical) Path
My career has taken me on a whirlwind. I’ve gotten to travel, perform, and meet amazing people along the way. I’ve had my share of extreme downs as well. Do not expect success or failure to be consistent. One day you may have to sell beloved costumes to make your rent to then get the gig of your lifetime the very next day. Life ebbs and flows. Don’t let it get you down.
So what about 2023?
Well, I have a few things planned for sure. I’m currently working on a very large and different show that I hope to showcase October of 2023. The dance studio will plug on forward and we’ve added a lot of new classes and teachers. My performance and student troupe are going strong and I’m so excited to see their progression. I’m excited overall. What are you planning for 2023?
Sometime in 2019?